RMCH Users Form

We are looking to hear about The Romney Marsh Community Hub from your perspective.

Please enter as much or as little information as you wish. There are no wrong answers! We are looking for your opinions to help tell the world about The Romney Marsh Community Hub.

NB. Please note as much as we would like to we may not be able to use everything submitted on the new website.

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Name of person filling in this form
Name of user
Would you like to remain anonymous?
Please write exactly what you feel. There are no wrong answers.
Please be as vague or specific as you like. For example, you may wish to tell us about all of the services at The Hub you use “I use the diabetic support group and I also use The Marsh Bee as I struggle with mobility, and without it I would not be able to attend my hospital appointments. I also use the meals on wheels on Fridays as my daughter works then.” Or perhaps you would like to tell us in more simple terms “I use The Hub because I like to meet people.”
We would love to know exactly what it is like to be a part of The Hub Community, please tell us from your point of you what was your best bit and why?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Do you have a picture of your favourite event or class at The Hub? Do you have a picture of your best memory? If you are happy to share it with us for use on the new website please upload it here