James Piggott of JMP Electrical and James Saunders of J Saunders Electrical, co-founded Celestial Solar & Electrical as a brand new joint entity with a focus on renewable energy solutions for clients in the South East of England.
This partnership of experience and skill brings a great opportunity for growth while continuing to build upon Celestial Solar & Electrical’s excellent reputation as dedicated, accredited professionals in electrical and solar installations.
James (P) contacted us back in January with a view to us building Celestial a brand new website. We were recommended by Offen’s & Let’s Enjoy the Little Things…and so a meeting was set.
James P had started his own website, but had given up as it wasn’t the slick look he was after. But as we said to James P on the phone, while we could maybe pop up some solar panels… it’s probably best we don’t! 😉
As avid caffeine enthusiasts, we arranged to meet the James’ in Amy’s Pantry, Tenterden. An outlined brief was set along with initial concepts discussed. We aim for a relaxed atmosphere for this meeting as it allows free flow discussion… which is imperative before the build commences.
Client Location – Ashford, Kent
- Brand new SHOWCASE website – which should be entirely different from every other competitor
- Showcase for prospective clients
- Rapid turnaround time required
We could tell from the off that the James’ had clear vision, clear direction and wanted to show their professionalism and integrity within the site. Unusually they are also Electrical engineers that undertake solar work, they are also accredited.
After the meeting our Copy form was sent along with files for media to be added… that evening (which is a RP record!) All of the requested assets were supplied which allowed us to commence the build almost immediately!
“They were very happy with their existing logo and we were thrilled when James P said during the meeting that he likes a bright and bold use of colour! The colour palette across the majority of electricians websites seems to be red, black and white so when we were gifted with blues, yellows and greens it was time to think out of the box.
Due to the James’ wanting to push their solar work via the website I brought in the use of blue skies and continued colour blocking throughout the site.
I’m not going to lie, when we go off piste like this it does give me the jitters. The clients are either going to love it or hate it and if they hate it (ahem, hasn’t happened yet!) then where on EARTH did we go wrong and what incorrect signals did we pick up on?
Anyway, praise the Lord they loved it and it paid off to be bold and follow our instincts as always. :)”
“It is often difficult to come up with the best and most effective copy, tone and perspective for your website content.
Both James’ filled out our detailed copy questionnaire with their own words and thoughts about their business.
At our initial meeting I established the perspective for the website copy by asking questions about how they see their business as it stands and how they want to present their company and services to potential customers. My job then was to turn their own thoughts and feelings about their business into well written copy which would not only be optimal for SEO but would also appeal to both solar and electrical customers, as well as commercial and residential ones.
It is important to keep the information factual and to the point whilst also allowing the business ethos to shine through which in this case was undoubtably, professionalism, quality workmanship and industry experience.”
A comment from the James’
“The ladies at Rockpool Creative have been working their magic and have created a unique masterpiece of a website for us.